Dishani Lahiri
Dishani is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Vision (MSCV) at CMU. She completed her undergraduate degree from Delhi Technological University, India. Prior to CMU, she worked as a Senior CV Engineer at Samsung Research & Development Institute, Bengaluru in the Visual Intelligence Group. At Samsung, she was one of the key developers of the Night Mode and Expert RAW applications currently deployed in flagship phones.
Rutika Moharir
Rutika is a first year Master of Science in Computer Vision student at RI, CMU and is advised by Prof. Kris Kitani. Her interests span in developing computer vision algorithms for various perception use cases. Prior to joining CMU, she worked as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Samsung Research where she worked on developing on-device solutions of Scene Text Recognition for multiple use cases of Samsung mobile devices.
Kris Kitani
Kris M. Kitani is an associate research professor of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his BS at the University of Southern California and his MS and PhD at the University of Tokyo. His research projects span the areas of computer vision, machine learning and human computer interaction. In particular, his research interests lie at the intersection of first-person vision, human activity modeling and inverse reinforcement learning. His work has been awarded the Marr Prize honorable mention at ICCV 2017, best paper honorable mention at CHI 2017 and CHI 2020, best paper at W4A 2017 and 2019, best application paper ACCV 2014 and best paper honorable mention ECCV 2012.
Project Responsibilities
Dishani and Rutika contributed equally to this project from inception under the mentorship of Prof. Kris Kitani.