We are a team of two MSCV graduate students working with Prof. Jeff Schneider and are sponsored by Argo AI.

My name is Vinay Sameer Kadi and I’m an MSCV student at CMU. I interned at Uber ATG in their perception team where I worked on visual tracking. Prior to CMU, I worked at Samsung R&D Institute, India where my work can be majorly categorized into three areas namely Model Compression for CNNs, Action Recognition in untrimmed videos and Few Shot learning.
LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/vinay-sameer-k/
Email : vsameerrk@gmail.com

My name is Mayank Gupta. I’m interested in practical applications of deep learning based computer vision systems, especially, networks that can be deployed in real time. I interned at Uber ATG where I worked with the perception team to apply adversarial RL to motion prediction. Previously, I have deployed vision systems on a large scale during my time as a Research Engineer at Xerox Research Center, India. My work was mainly on vehicle occupancy detection and license plate re-identification for tolling purposes. Please visit my website to know more about my work.
LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/mayankguptaiitd
Email : mgmayank18@gmail.com