
Dataset Collection

We collect monocular RGB-D videos using an iPhone with the Record3D app. For each scene, we capture two types of data:

  • A static object filmed with a moving camera
  • A dynamic object filmed by two synchronized cameras.


Fig:4 (a) First initialize the canonical Gaussians from a static sequence; (b) At each timestep, decompose deformation into rigid global transformation and non-rigid local deformation; (c) Splat liveframe Gaussians to render RGB and depth images.

In the process outlined in Figure 4, initialization of the canonical Gaussians from a static sequence marks the starting point. This initialization sets the foundation for subsequent steps, where at each timestep, the deformation is broken down into two distinct components: a rigid global transformation and a non-rigid local deformation. This decomposition strategy allows for a nuanced understanding of the evolving scene dynamics, capturing both global shifts and localized changes over time. Finally, as the process unfolds, liveframe Gaussians are effectively utilized to generate RGB and depth images, providing a comprehensive representation of the scene’s visual and spatial characteristics. Through this systematic approach, the framework ensures a robust and accurate rendering of dynamic scenes, offering valuable insights into their temporal evolution.