Group Composition

Portrait of Yuan Dong

Yuan is an MSCV student of class Fall 2018. He received his bachelor’s degree in automation from Tsinghua University. His research focuses on realistic human reconstruction and human keypoint detection. He built the pipeline for this project, as well as some major components like visual hull constrained Poisson reconstruction, body template fitting and personalized optimization.


Portrait of Congrui Hetang

Congrui is an MSCV student of class Fall 2018. He received his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His research focuses on semantic segmentation and object detection. He developed a solution for high-resolution human segmentation for this project, and also developed some parts of mesh refinement.


We build a reconstruction pipeline to generate photo-realistic human model from high resolution multi-view RGB images, by the composition of several tranditional methods, from multi-view stereo to poisson to linear-blend-skinning template fit and finally refinement, and thre result is very well.

Final presentation

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